Product Information
Product Code: TSH-CTRL-13V
Quantity: 1 Pair/Kit
Sensitivity: N/A
Storage Condition: 4-30°C/39-86°F
1 Positive Control Vial
1 Negative control Vial
2 X 0.25 mL Distilled Water Vials
2 Disposable Pipettes
Product Insert

Product Description

The Rapid ResponseTM Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) Positive and Negative Controls are assayed, stable, ready-to-use solutions for use with assays designed for qualitative detection of TSH. It is intended to assist in quality control assurance of Rapid ResponseTM TSH Test Cassettes and is intended for professional in vitro diagnostic use only. Interpretation of test results are: positive (two lines), negative (one line), invalid (no lines or no Control line).

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